Monday 15 August 2016

The spring is over...

The term came to an end,

Grades aren't going to be good this time, though took an undergrad course ME566, Computational Fluid Dynamics. I didn't do well, reasons are straight.. I didn't pay attention to the classes.
In the beginning all the course material was easy for me. Thanks to numerous hours I spent to watch , re-watch CFD lecture series NPTEL.

The problems started in the middle when it came to the application of course material to the assignments. I wasn't able to integrate in to the undergrad classmates. I was kind of isolated. (I regret being so..But, nothing much I can do..) My schedules were different to theirs.. But, I would really make this as an important aspect for the next term.

"" The undergrads are soo good in networking, they hunt the assignment / task like a pack of wolves, there's no point in trying to be a lone wolf like me..thinking that I would be able to finish it on my own..""

Meanwhile, my research been through to stages of excitement and disappointment, for the most part it took a while to be able to run the CFD code in the sharcnet cluster. In this regard, my accomplishments for this term are going to be,

1) Understand the flow of OneD_ThermoCode (our CFD solver)
2) Able to run the test cases of travelling acoustic wave using different Equations of state.
3) Write a script to run sequential grid sizes and able to calculate the RMS Error values.
4) Profile the code to identify the places the code is being the busy.  (Look at the wonderful profile diagram)
5) Read bunch of papers.

I have less than 3 weeks before the new term start, In this mean time I would be working very much to complete the Tabulated Equation of state approach to calculate thermodynamic properties. It's going to be a awesome speedup for the OneD_ThermoCode. But, the real problem is in generating a homogeneously spaced grid / table. Where my utter disappointing comes from..
I wasn't able to write a simple code to interpolate the 1 D arrays in to a 2x2 grid. Huge setback in terms of confidence that my prof. had on me.

There was a warning (approximate) from prof. few weeks ago. When I was a bit lazy to do the work and caught up blaming it on the technical glitches. Looking back, that's the one of the silly excuse I ever asked for. If I want to really progress in my life, that should not be happening anymore.

After a week of time waste in the name of interpolated table, finally my prof. chose to do it. I did it in 90 minutes. Suggesting me, that's how it should be.. For now, the next task is to write those lists in a efficient table so that I can use them for my OneD_ThermoCode. Hopefully I would be able to do it by this Friday.

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