Friday 14 February 2014

Simulation and Modelling of Blast wave using ProsAir software

Problem Statement:
A building with square horizontal cross-section 5m x 5m and height 15m is located a distance D2=10m behind the centreline of a 0.5m thick blast wall of height hw=3m. A spherical charge of 815kg of TNT is detonated with its centre he=2m above the ground and a distance D1=2m in front of the centreline of the blast wall as seen in Figure 1. Assuming that the charge is located opposite the centre of the building, use ProSAir to estimate the maximum peak pressure and positive phase impulse experienced on the wall-facing side of the building.

                                                       Figure-1   Blast wall configuration
General settings:
Ø  In Run Geometries both Spherical geometry and Cylindrical geometry are checked because the solution will maintain both spherical geometry and cylindrical geometry since there is ground and a centrally detonated spherical charge.
Ø  The Checkpoints-At end of phase box is ticked so that a solution check point is stored at the end of the spherically symmetric phase. This permits changes to be made to the definition of the cylindrical phase and rerun without having to rerun the spherical phase.
Ø  The switch time was calculated as suggested in the user guide as switch time = 1.2 x 10-3 x  .
                      = 1.2  x 10-3 x  = 0.011209 s

   Since the density of the TNT can be taken as 1600 kg/m3 this gives a volume VTNT of explosive,
                     VTNT     =0.509375 m3
and then the radius of the spherical charge is rTNT  ≈ 0.4954m
Ø  The switch time (for second order accuracy) is taken as 21 milli seconds
Ø  Standard atmospheric conditions are taken as 101325 pa atmospheric pressure and 288 k temperature.
Ø  In the display settings a white Background is ticked and the checkpoints at the end of phase are ticked so as to save the checkpoints data after each solution phase.
Spherical Geometry settings:
Ø  We are going to plot Overpressure as a variable with an interval of 10 time steps, show targets are ticked for convenience.
Ø  In the detonation parameters, the Explosive type is taken as TNT with charge mass 815 kg.
Ø  A problem time of 0.06s will be sufficient to gather information on the positive phases of all target points out to 5m. This value is calculated by taking the 18m domain size, dividing by the atmospheric sound speed 330m/s to give 0.0545s and increasing by a little for a good measure.
Ø  The default safety number of 0.5 is taken.
Ø  A nominal cell size of 10mm is used for an accurate simulation, fit to charge radius is chosen. So the cell size will be internally adjusted by ProSAir to ensure the charge surface exactly aligns with a cell boundary.
Ø  A domain size of 2m is chosen, the distance from the charge to ground.
Ø  The boundary has been set to stop so the spherical computation will stop as the blast wave reaches 2m (the domain size) from the centre of detonation.
Ø  There are no target points in spherical Geometry.
Cylindrical Geometry settings:
Ø  We are going to plot Overpressure variable in contour plot type with a interval of 50 timesteps.
Ø  A scale factor of 10 is chosen and the option "Show targets" is ticked for convenience.
Ø  Problem time of 0.05s is taken considering the cylindrical domain size of 16m.
Ø  The height of blast is 2m and the CFL safety number is 0.5, the boundary types both in the radial as well as axial directions are chosen to be transmissive since the shock waves as to pass into the outer domain freely.
Ø  A cell size of 0.03m is chosen.
Ø  Domain size of 18m in radial direction and 16m in axial direction is taken.
Ø  Obstacles:
·         Since there's a blast wall of width 0.5m and height of 3m next to the explosive the geometry data for the blast wall is taken as 2 2.5 0 3 with material type as solid
·         The building is 15m in height and 5m in width and 12m away from the explosive so the Geometry data for the building is taken as 12 17 0 15 with material type as solid.
Ø  Target Point Grids:
15 target point grids are defines for which the associated target points will correspond to those of Figure namely a grid(column) of 15 points in the radial direction, at r=11.99 and 15 points in vertical from h=0 to h=15.                                                      
Ø  All the above settings are applied to the simulation by clicking "Ok" at the right bottom.
Running Simulation:
 On running the simulation the spherical solution phase starts and ProSAir displays a plot overpressure with radius, evolving in time, until the shock reaches the outer boundary at radius R= 2m as shown in Figure
Figure-2 : Overpressure versus radius after at the end of the spherically symmetric solution phase (about 7.3ms)
Solution then switches to the cylindrical phase. There is a small pause in computation as ProSAir transfers the spherical symmetric solution onto the cylindrical symmetric grid given the initial plot of Figure 3
Figure-3 : Overpressure contour plot at the start of the cylindrically symmetric solution phase (about 0.45ms
Figure-4 : Overpressure contour plot as the blast wave reaches target point 6,7 and 8 at 9.37ms

At 10.131ms, the blast wave impacts at target points 7,8,9. Again these target points have yet to feel the effect of the reflected shock and so the peak pressure, time of arrival and, most likely impulse will not be affected by the reflection.
There after a cycle of shock wave reflections and shock wave vents are seen.
The maximum peak pressure is estimated on the wall-facing side of the building as 2002.37 kpa at the target point 11 and the positive phase impulse is estimated as 5219.05 kpa and the plots for all the target points is shown below

The overpressure is plotted using excel for the target point 11 using the data from pt_cylindrical_11.csv, the sharpness of the peaks indicates that the mesh is fully resolved and the first peak at 11.3588 ms creates a maximum over pressure on the wall of the building for the design of the building this data is useful and there's another blast wave at 44.4 ms which is reflected from the blast wall and ground, more over the blast wall has a big influence on the overpressure on the building, the blast wall obstacle blocked the substantial amount of pressure energy.
Convergence study:
At first the simulation was performed at 0.05 nominal cell size in Cylindrical phase where the maximum peak pressure is 1935.49 kpa estimated at the target point 11,
then the cell size is reduced to 0.03m in the cylindrical phase then, the results are obtained as mentioned in the results.

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