Tuesday 17 May 2016

The begining,

I am writing this very late in the night, in fact woke up in sleep to not forgot everything that is happened today. How was my day?, as usual monday morning CFD class (missed..! again) then ran into the computer service dept. to ask for a cable to setup monitor (Got a new computer, which is strictly for research purposes and I've nicely set it up in my office room). The thing is it runs on Linux, the so called Ubuntu, have to revise all those terminal command prompts which I used some 2 years ago.
There was a writing session on Literature review, especially for grad. students. Nothing much worth mentionable but, the matrix method of organizing your literature is an excellent one. Which once again reminds me how important in research to keep every organized. Also surprised to see the list of do's & don'ts with regard to Literature review. Thought it is very simple part of the Dissertation but seems to be a kind of defining one with regard to my understanding and familiarity with the research topic that I am going to propose.
Left hurriedly to meet prof. to discuss my progress. It's been 3 weeks so far and I am already 2 weeks into the grad. life. By now, I guess the honeymoon period(initial weeks where you don't have to work hard and getting things arranged, familirizing with surroundings) is over. Also, the combustion conference last week was bugging my prof. very much that he had not much time left to discuss anything.

This session with prof. was a very informative one, it gave me a lot of inputs with regard to where to start, how to start, starting with the thermo-acoustic instabilities in rocket engines, or let's say the Gas Turbine, the longitudinal modes of oscillations or simply longitudinal oscillations are not a big reason to worry as they're not going to do much of the structural damages. The important ones are the radial and transvere oscillations that are going to rip apart the system.
Considering the transcritical combustion, where it is primarily observed in Liquid rocket engines, the supercritical fuel passes through the pseudo boiling point while getting mixed up /(reacted with oxidiser) oxidiser. At that pseudo boiling point, the density is going to vary a lot and also the Cp value..(the specific heat capacity) also increases rapidly during the crossing of pseudo boiling point. Which can cause two sorts of disturbances, as a result of density change..a pressure wave is going to generate..(which will play an obvious role in the acoustics coupling part). and an entropy wave because of the sudden heat change (remember the Cp value..I said)

So, here in my project..the key idea is to work on the transcritical part of the combustion by which the thermodynamics-acoustics are coupled..Once this is determined later, the same can be extrapolated to various other similar problems.

Everything else is great so far, received MITACS cheque of 5000$ (first instalment of MITACS Graduate fellowship award).

Also, one more happiest thing is my prof. is willing to get me a Teaching assistantship under him, so now I think I can afford a trip or two to home (India). But, my first priority to understand the present solver and run the examples to get familiarized and then run a non- reacting flow with an acoustic pulse to observe any instabilities...later I can try with reacting flow.

I believe that, this part of my life is the purest form of "Opportunity", I had some dreams of studying Aerospace Engineering..which is why I even took Mechanical engineering as my major during bachelors, as there was no Aero dept. in my college and also the similar subjects between Mechanical and Aerospace fields.
But now, my research is very closely related in terms of a valuable application towards Liquid rocket engines. I have a prof. to guide me, there is lot to learn from him. And all of the above, there is not much financial need as I can sustain myself well with the current stipends, fellowships. Last but not the least...I am in University of Waterloo, an awesome place with highly talented people all around me. What else do I need,.......   well, no matter how things are well placed..Unless I struggle to connect those dots, there is no success.

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