Thursday 5 May 2016

The day has been busy with the presentation, usually it wouldn't have been difficult if I chose to do it in powerpoint but my adventure to do a presentation in Beamer (A Latex package for making presentations) made things difficult for me or may be I was a bit lazy to start a bit late on the presentation.

By the afternoon, I lost the hope and emailed prof. saying that this adventure hasn't gone well and sent him my python code for a one dimensional wave equation with Neumann boundary conditions. I even made the simulation as a cool video. You can watch it here.

Had a discussion with prof. this time he asked me to extend this fundamental wave equation to an acoustic wave simulated from the Navier stokes equations. Further leading to add combustion instability. My savier is going to be NPTEL lecture series on Acoustic instabilities in aerospace propulsion by R.I Sujith. I will try to absorb as much as I can. Forgot to mention..!! I got my credit card today, why I am mentioning it because this is the first time I'm using a credit card in my life. So it was kinda new to me. The discussion with prof. few points to note. Dissipative error, centered scheme. Acoustic pulse. 

Ohhh in the evening, I got a mail MITACS, about my first instalment of MITACS globalink fellowship which says that they mailed a cheque to my address and I am gonna receive it in a week. That's amazing, this is what I didn't thought of common...Here I am just a week in to the grad. studies they're soo fast. I wish my home country India would have such an organized way of disbusing scholarships. It is going to be 5000$. Though it is not a very large amount it is very essential for me. Hope I can clear the gold loan (mom's gonna be really happy to get ornaments back..I made a statement that If I got admission in UWaterloo. I can get back her gold in a month or I is going to happen) Thanks to the UWaterloo, tuitions are taken care of and I am gonna get some leftover stipend of around 2000$ combined with this MITACS will give me enough freedom from worrying about money and can concentrate on research more.   
For the first time ever, feeling kind of free from monetary burden. 

I wanted to enjoy the moment, but can't call home as it is still 5 in the morning. So, I hit the bike to take evening ride. I wanted to see the Perimeter institute of theoritical physics which is right across my street in the Waterloo park, it is not famous untill Justin Trudeau gave his epic answer to a reporter's question on quantum computing. So, went to the waterloo park and passed through the Perimeter institute. The building looked sooo good. The golden glasses and architecture was really good . While returing back, saw 2 guys playing baseball...they've been playing for a while and I was a bit shy to ask them whether they can let me join them. This time, I got some courage and asked whether I can join them..they're really cool.. Dan, Cam (their names). played baseball for the first time. It didn't felt so because I've played cricket before and it was kinda same.

So, came back at 8:40 and writing this post on my day. Hope to read it back someday..later.

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