Monday 3 October 2016

Notes while coding

It is 3:40 AM,
16 Celsius at Waterloo, came to office to finish(start ?) the implementation of tabular model in to the OneD_ThermoCode.

(Background, social network OST..running..)

Let's begin, 

Ok, so we have uni-variate NR solver which can determine the entire set of thermodynamic properties if any one of density, internal energy is specified. Good.

And then we have the bivariate NR solver which is not yet finished it is a complex/ messy jacobian matrix and then a iterative approximation loop.

Once I have both of then running perfectly, can proceed to write a class for the tabulated_thermodynamics.

Took 2 hours to finally get a Newton Raphson, bivariate root finding code.

All set to implement the tabular_model. !

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